Engagement & Performance survey

This survey measures your employees' level of engagement and how well they are set up to be a high-performing team. Your responses are anonymous.

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* 1. You are enthusiastic about your company's mission.

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* 2. You clearly understand what's expected of you at work.

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* 3. The people on your team believe in the company's values

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* 4. You are able to use your natural strengths every day at work

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* 5. Your teammates have your back

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* 6. You are confident that you will be recognized for excellent work.

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* 7. You have high confidence in the company's future.

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* 8. You feel like you are encouraged to learn and grow.

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* 9. What do you like most about working here

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* 10. What's would you like to see changed at your workplace

The questions are derived from Marcus Buckingham and Ashley Goodal, Nine Lies About Work.

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* 11. How comfortable are you in disagreeing with your boss?

0 Not at all comfortable 10 You feel totally comfortable disagreeing with your boss
i We adjusted the number you entered based on the slider’s scale.

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* 12. How comfortable are you in bringing up a problem you are having to your boss, even if it's a personal problem affecting your performance?

0 Not at all comfortable 10 You feel totally comfortable letting your boss know about a problem you are experiencing.
i We adjusted the number you entered based on the slider’s scale.

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* 13. How confident are you in managing workplace conflict?

0 You always avoid workplace conflict 10 You are highly confident in managing conflict
i We adjusted the number you entered based on the slider’s scale.

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* 14. How strongly do you recommend your company?

0 You don't recommend anyone work here 100 You actively encourage people to join this company
i We adjusted the number you entered based on the slider’s scale.