New way of recycling soda can trash cans with deposits for pedestrians in Rotterdam.

New way of recycling cans for pedestrians!

We are conducting a survey to gather feedback on two innovative public trash can designs. One design includes a rack for soda cans, while the other features a system that prevents messes caused by people rummaging for recyclable cans and offers immediate cash returns for deposits. Your input will help us understand which design better meets community needs in terms of cleanliness, recycling convenience, and usability.
1.How often do you dispose of recyclable soda cans?
2.Do you live in a highly populated urban area?
3.How often do you notice messes around public trash cans in your neighborhood?
4.How convenient do you find the soda can rack feature in the regular trash can?
5.Does the soda can rack make you more likely to separate cans from regular trash?
6.How important is it to prevent messes caused by people rummaging through trash cans for recyclable cans?
7.Would you be more likely to recycle your soda cans if you knew you could get the deposit back immediately?
8.How likely are you to use a trash can that returns cash deposits for recyclable cans?
9.If both designs were implemented in your area, how likely would you be to use each trash can?
10.Which trash can design would you prefer to see implemented in public spaces?