Tell us your top-of-mind thoughts on poultry welfare.

The Turkey Farmers of Canada (TFC), Chicken Farmers of Canada (CFC), the Canadian Hatching Egg Producers (CHEP), and Canadian Poultry and Egg Processors (CPEP) have collectively initiated an update to the Code of Practice for the Care and Handling of Hatching Eggs, Breeders, Chickens and Turkeys using the process established by the National Farm Animal Care Council (NFACC).1,2 Once completed, the Code will reflect updated requirements and recommended practices for on-farm care of hatching eggs, breeders, chickens and turkeys.

An important preliminary step in this process is to invite the industry, general public, and all other interested individuals to submit their top-of-mind thoughts on the welfare of hatching eggs, breeders, chickens and turkeys. This input will help to inform the development of the Code.

This brief and informal survey has been designed to accommodate a variety of stakeholders. To ensure that the Code Committee is able to consider input in a timely manner, the survey will remain open until October 25, 2024.

Please note: the survey is designed to gain insights on individuals' unique top-of-mind thoughts about hatching egg, breeder, chicken and turkey welfare. NFACC may exclude submissions that are coordinated or directed by an organization or group. Please also be polite; submissions that include profanity or derogatory language will not be considered.
1 The following associations initiated this Code update:
Canadian Hatching Egg Producers (CHEP) is the national representative of over 200 broiler hatching egg producers across 8 member provinces. They are dedicated to animal welfare, food safety initiatives and opportunities to improve the agricultural industry.
Chicken Farmers of Canada (CFC) ensures that their 2,800 farmers produce the right amount of fresh, safe, high-quality chicken to meet Canada’s needs. CFC plays a key role in developing, partnering and managing programs for Canada’s chicken farmers that prove its producers continue to grow the high-quality chicken that Canadians trust.
Turkey Farmers of Canada (TFC) is the national organization representing Canada’s 510+ turkey farmers that encourages cooperation throughout the Canadian turkey industry. Canadian turkey farmers are committed to ensuring the humane care and respectful treatment of turkeys while providing wholesome and safe food to consumers.
Canadian Poultry and Egg Processors (CPEP) is the voice of a sustainable poultry and egg processing industry, feeding Canadians safe and nutritious food. They support the work of their members, who buy their products from Canadian farmers and transform them into the high-quality, nutritious chicken, turkey, and egg products that Canadians know and love.
2 NFACC is a collaborative partnership of diverse stakeholders created in 2005 to share information and work together on farm animal care and welfare. It is the national lead for farm animal care issues in Canada and operates as a Division of Animal Health Canada.

The project was funded in part by the Government of Canada under the Canadian Agricultural Partnership’s AgriAssurance Program.

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* Please provide your place of residence:

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* Please indicate the perspective(s) from which you are providing feedback (you may select more than one option):

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* If you selected Non-Commercial Producer: Small Flock Grower (i.e., no quota) above, please designate flock type:

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* Please list your top-of-mind welfare topics for the on-farm care and handling of hatching eggs, broiler breeders, chickens (broilers), and turkeys.
Note: comments cannot extend beyond the end of the box (80 characters or approx. 14 words per box).

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* Thank you for your input.

The NFACC Code development process includes a 60-day public comment period on the draft Code
. If you would like to receive an email notification about the comment period for the Hatching Eggs, Breeders, Chickens, and Turkeys Code, please enter your email address below. Your email address will be retained separately from the responses you provided in this survey.