Legal Industry Survey on Collaboration Data

1.Organization Type
2.Litigation Profile(Required.)
3.What is your organization’s primary messaging collaboration platform in use for your business communications?
4.How integral are collaboration platforms to your organization for messaging today?(Required.)
5.How integral will collaboration platforms be for your organization in 12 months?(Required.)
6.Are you or your clients applying retention policies to your messaging collaboration content?(Required.)
7.How are you/your clients principally preserving collaboration content today?(Required.)
8.How confident are you in your ability to defensibly preserve collaboration content when required?(Required.)
9.Does your (or your client’s) organization consider messaging collaboration content generally within the scope of discovery?(Required.)
10.How do you think your response to the previous question will change in the next 12 months?(Required.)
11.How are you principally responding to requests for production or internal investigations when it comes to collaboration data?(Required.)
12.How confident are you in your existing processes to efficiently collect and produce collaboration content in response to discovery obligations?(Required.)
13.In the next twelve months, do you/your client plan to invest in a solution to defensibly preserve and/or collect collaboration data for ediscovery or to conduct internal investigations?(Required.)
14.When you think of your organization's/client's use of collaboration platforms, what are you most worried about?
Optional Questions
15.Email Address (Required if you want a copy of the survey results)