2015 Leadership Associates Program - July 13-17, 2015 - APPLICATION INFORMATION

PROGRAM DESCRIPTION: Please read carefully

The purpose of the Center of Pedagogy Leadership Associates Program is to work toward developing a critical mass of leaders from the public schools, from the arts and sciences, and from teacher education who understand and are committed to the goals of simultaneous renewal of schools and to the education of educators.

Leadership Associates will work to deepen their understanding of the moral dimensions of teaching—stewardship, access, nurturing pedagogy, and democracy—and to collaborate with P-12 faculty and administrators and university education and arts/science faculty toward the renewal of schools and the preparation of educators. We will examine our roles in our respective institutions to become more effective agents for change, and propose and undertake an inquiry project to work towards these ends.

The Leadership Associates program will be held in the Cohen Lounge in Dickson Hall at Montclair State University from July 13th - July 17th. The agenda will run from 8:30 am until 4:00 pm daily. In addition, all educational materials and food (light breakfast and full lunch) will be provided.

There will also be a planning meeting in May or June, on a date to be announced. In addition, there will be at least one mandatory meeting during the 2015-2016 academic year, usually held in November, to maintain continuity and collegiality among members of the cohort.

The compensation for full participation in the program during the summer and academic year will be $600 per participant.

Participants will be selected for the program by a screening committee and great efforts will be made to achieve a balance among faculty and administrators from the university and the public schools. Every attempt will be made to achieve as wide a district representation as possible. Administrator/teacher teams are encouraged to apply.


Individuals selected for this program will:

Be in a position to contribute to the goals of the program as a faculty or administrator affiliated with Montclair State University and the Montclair State University Network for Educational Renewal (MSUNER);

Demonstrate a deep belief in the moral imperatives of educating the young for citizenship in a democracy;

Serve in an institutional leadership role, or have the potential for assuming a leadership role in that setting;

Demonstrate their dedication to the vision of simultaneous renewal of the schools and the education of educators;

Recognize the nature and challenges inherent in bringing about institutional change and be willing to become agents for change;

Desire to engage in critical inquiry, to examine the moral dimensions of teaching in a democracy, to reflect upon practice, and to dialogue with colleagues.


Please complete and submit the following. Applicants will be notified by May 23, 2015.

Thank you!

Question Title

* 1. Please provide the following information:

Question Title

* 2. Work Address:

Question Title

* 3. Home Address:

Question Title

* 4. Preferred E-Mail Address:

Question Title

* 5. Preferred Phone Number:

Question Title

* 6. Please provide a 500-1000 word statement that shows how you meet the selection criteria outlined in the application information. We are interested in what you can contribute to the program, how criteria listed above applies to your work, and how you will share and develop the information from the summer program with your colleagues.
(Text box will expand.)

Question Title

* 7. To complete your application, please provide your supervisor's (Dept Chair, School Administrator, e.g.) contact information below.
By providing their information you are indicating their awareness and support of your application and intention to complete the Leadership Associates Program, which will run July 13-17, 2015.

Question Title

* 8. Please list one additional reference, ideally from a Leadership Alumnus or from another who knows your work and leadership potential well.

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* 9. Commitment to Participate:

I make a commitment to attend the entire Leadership Associates Program if accepted, and to keep the week as free as possible of additional professional commitments. I agree to propose, conduct an inquiry project (to be discussed in July), and report my findings in a presentation at the Annual NNER Conference, MSUNER Summer Conference or the Annual Advance. I agree to meet during the 2015-2016 school year.

Below please type your name and the date below. It will serve as your signature of agreement.

Please complete and submit this application as soon as possible.
Candidates will be notified by May 23, 2015.

For further information, please contact:

Dr. Leslie Wilson
(973) 655-7827

Agenda for Education in a Democracy
University Hall 1191
Montclair State University
Montclair, NJ 07043