Welcome to the Survey

The Charity Investment Governance Principles are intended to be used by trustees, staff and committee members to help to tackle challenges relating to investment governance. Following the format of the Charity Governance Code, the principles draw on the experiences of charities across England and Wales, reflecting the outcomes of the Butler-Sloss legal case and the Charity Commission’s updated CC14 guidance.

The Principles have so far been reviewed by over 60 charities, as well as charity lawyers, chartered accountants, investment managers and advisers, and other interested individuals and organisations.

The consultation is seeking responses from charities across England and Wales, and from those with an interest in charity investment governance. The consultation will close on Wednesday 7th August.

All of the information and answers that you provide will be treated as confidential and will only be viewed by the Charity Finance Group project team working on the Charity Investment Governance Principles. Any data shared with the wider project Steering Group will be anonymised and treated as confidential. Any data shared publicly will be anonymised and aggregated. For more information about how Charity Finance Group processes personal data, please see our Privacy Policy here.

The Steering Group is grateful to the following foundations which have supported this project: Barrow Cadbury Trust; Friends Provident Foundation; City Bridge Foundation; Access – The Foundation for Social Investment; The Aurora Trust, The Mark Leonard Trust, The JJ Charitable Trust; Joseph Rowntree Foundation.