1. Contact Information

The current contract between WSNA and your local unit expires December 31, 2022. This survey is to help us prepare for contract negotiations. Your input is critical to determining our priorities as we head to the bargaining table.

Take a moment to complete this survey now. Your power comes from the willingness of registered nurses to stand together in unity. 

We appreciate it if you provide your most up-to-date contact information. It is only collected so that your team members can contact you if questions arise; and it is also to share important information with you regarding progress and issues in negotiations. WSNA and your negotiating team members do not share this information with anyone.

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* 1. Contact Information

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* 2. Wage increases are very important to me:

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* 3. How important is an additional step increase?

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* 4.  How important are premium increases?

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* 5. Which premium would you most like to see increased (pick one)?

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* 6. Are you using your continuing education money per our current contract?

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* 7. If yes, how much money did you use?

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* 8. Did you apply for education money that you were denied?

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* 9. If yes, what reason were you given?

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* 10. Are you satisfied with your current Health/ Dental insurance premium coverage?

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* 11. Are you satisfied with the safety at this facility?

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* 12. What safety suggestions do you have to improve working conditions at this facility?

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* 13. Are you satisfied with the nurse-to-patient ratios?

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* 14. What ratio do you think is appropriate for this facility?

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* 15. Do you feel that you have the appropriate staff mix to complete your job safely?

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* 16. Do you have a suggestion or two for improving the contract?

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* 17. Would you be willing to help during negotiations?

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* 18. Please enter your T-shirt size so we can provide you with WSNA swag!

Thanks for your time in filling the survey out!