The Career Awareness Internship is a program for Chicago youth (age 14 – 15) who have the motivation, perseverance, and resilience to acquire the necessary education and pursue a career.  Acceptance into the Career Awareness Internship is competitive and requires completion of this application and an interview. Applications are due Monday, June 3 at 5PM. Good luck!

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* 1. First Name

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* 2. Last Name

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* 3. Contact Information

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* 4. Gender

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* 5. Race/Ethnicity

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* 6. Birthdate

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* 7. Who do you live with?

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* 9. Which grade school do/did you attend?

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* 10. Which high school do/will you attend? 

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* 11. Emergency Contact

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* 12. How did you learn about this program?

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* 13. List 3 words your friends use to describe you

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* 14. What are you passionate about?

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* 15. What are you good at?

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* 16. What are you proud of?

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* 17. On a scale of 1-4 are you:

Once in a while
Much of the time

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* 18. List one of your personal goals for the summer. What are your plans to reach that goal?

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* 19. Describe a time in your life when you had to persevere. Describe the situation and what you did to keep going.

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* 20.  What do you like to do for fun?

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* 21. What motivates you? How do you keep yourself motivated when life isn’t going the way you want it to?

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* 22. List two careers that interest you potentially.  Explain why they each interest you.

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* 23. Brag about yourself.  Why should we accept you into the Career Awareness Internship?

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* 24. 3 Favorite Subjects in School?

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* 25. 3 Least Favorite Subjects in School?

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* 26. For you school is generally

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* 27. Do you have an IEP or 504 plan? (We WELCOME students with all types of learning styles! :))

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* 28. If yes, what is your learning disability?

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* 29. If yes, what kind of accommodations (or help) do you need in the classroom?

If you have any questions, please email Ama Appenteng at or call 312-661-1010