Equality Network have a new Disability and Neurodiversity Inclusion team and if you are LGBTIQ+ and disabled and/or neurodivergent we are looking for your input.
We want all our work to be as accessible and inclusive as possible and we want to be sure we’re saying and doing the right things when we work for disabled and neurodivergent people. We also want to ensure we are getting our priorities right so we can focus on things that are important to you.
As well as this survey we will be holding small events, in person and online, to gather your views and ideas.
Please feel free to answer only the questions you are comfortable with. Skip any questions which are not relevant to you.

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* 1. How would you describe your sexual or romantic orientation ?

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* 2. How would you describe your gender?

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* 3. Do you consider yourself to be trans or to have a trans history?

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* 4. Do you have a variation in sex characteristics (VSC*)? *VSC is an umbrella term used for people who are born with variations in biological sex characteristics This is sometimes referred to as DSD (Differences of sex development), but many dislike this term.

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* 5. Whether or not you have a diagnosis do you consider yourself to be neurodivergent in any way?

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* 6. You can tell us more here if you like

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* 7. Whether or not you have a diagnosis do you consider yourself to be disabled in any way?

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* 8. You can tell us more here if you like