The AABCF established the Birth Center Accreditation Support Grant in 2014 to assist birth center applicants with 50% of the fees due to the Commission for the Accreditation of Birth Centers (CABC). In 2021, with the help of a generous seed donation, the AABC Foundation established the Changemaker Fund and the Changemaker Accreditation Grant in honor of the founders of the birth center movement and the current and future changemakers who propel the movement forward.

Beginning in 2022, the Changemaker Accreditation Grant is designed to pay up to 100% of the initial accreditation fee or an accredited birth center’s annual fees. The AABCF will have the exclusive authority to determine all grant guidelines, criteria, timelines and awards, and will monitor all grants.

Who can apply?
To qualify a birth center must have:
  • AABC Birth Center Membership
  • A demonstrated financial hardship to pay 100% of their CABC accreditation fees
  • A demonstrated capacity and a plan to complete the accreditation process with the intent to maintain accreditation.
  • Not received an Accreditation Support Grant in the last three years

Special consideration will be given to birth centers that demonstrate one or more of the following:
  • A commitment to serving low income birthing people and/or birthing people on Medical Assistance
  • Situated in a rural or low-income area
  • Annual gross revenues of less than $100,000
  • A commitment to foster public education about birth centers
14% of survey complete.