Thank you for sharing your feedback with us at the River Fox Train! Your thoughts are invaluable to us and will greatly help in creating the best experiences possible. Please answer these questions below and reach out to with any questions.
As a thank you for your feedback, you’ll be entered to win four FREE tickets to a train experience of your choice upon completion of this survey.

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* 1. If you would like to be entered to win a drawing for four tickets to a train experience of your choice, please enter your email address here.

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* 2. Please tell us your name.

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* 3. What kind of experiences are of interest to you? Please select all that apply.

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* 4. Which of the following experiences would you be interested in joining the River Fox Train for in the future? Please select all that apply.

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* 5. Are you interested in experiences during:

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* 6. Is this your first time riding the River Fox?

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* 7. Do you plan on returning to ride the River Fox again?

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* 8. Are you a Sacramento or Bay Area resident?

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* 9. Did you stay overnight as part of your trip to ride the River Fox?

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* 10. If you stayed overnight, where did you stay?

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* 11. If you visited, which of the following other attractions did you experience during your trip?

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* 12. What attracted you to your experience(s) aboard the River Fox?

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* 13. What is your current household income level?

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* 14. Please tell us your age

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* 15. Please tell us which region your primary residence is in:

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* 16. How did you hear about the River Fox Train?

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* 17. Which of the following experiences have you joined the River Fox Train for previously? Please select all that apply.

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* 18. About how many people were in your party with past experiences?

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* 19. We’d love to hear from you! What can the River Fox Train do to elevate your experience? Please share any feedback you might have on past experiences or what you’d like to see with a future experience.

Full contest rules may be found here: