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* 1. I have read the Consent Form attached to the solicitation email and agree to participate in the survey.

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* 2. Please indicate the extent to which you agree or disagree with each statement regarding the community in which you serve and community members’ experiences with justice-related problems and legal needs.

  (1) Strongly disagree (2) Disagree (3) Neither Agree nor Disagree (4) Agree (5) Strongly agree
People experiencing a justice-related problem are better off addressing it through the formal legal system.
The vast majority of justice-related problems can be resolved outside of the formal legal system.
People are less likely to take action to solve justice-related problems that have higher costs (e.g., financial, time, energy).
Eligibility criteria for free, subsidized, or low-cost legal services (e.g., Legal Aid) are too restrictive.
There are an adequate number of services available to support the legal needs of our community.
A significant barrier to addressing individuals’ legal needs is the unintegrated nature of services available in the community.
There are an adequate number of legal service providers (e.g., lawyers and supporting legal assistants) practicing in the areas of law in which our community is in need.
Legal service providers deliver services in a culturally appropriate manner (e.g., services are tailored, where necessary, to account for clients’ cultural backgrounds).
Recent emphases on summary procedures in Manitoba have facilitated the prompter resolution of actions on their merits.

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* 3. Please indicate how frequently (from never to always) the following situations occur in the community in which you serve in relation to community members’ experiences with justice-related problems and legal needs.

  (1) Never (2) Rarely (3) Sometimes (4) Often (5) Always
Obtain effective legal information for a justice-related problem (if they are in need of legal information).
Obtain effective legal advice for a justice-related problem (if they are in need of legal advice).
Obtain effective legal representation for a justice-related problem (if they are in need of legal representation).
Access legal support(s) in a timely manner to resolve a justice-related problem.
Satisfactorily resolve justice-related problems as a result of seeking legal support(s).
Satisfactorily resolve justice-related problems promptly.
Satisfactorily resolve justice-related problems with minimal financial expense.

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* 4. The next few questions will be about the area(s) of law in which you provide service. 
In what area(s) of law do you provide services? Please select one or more categories, if applicable, from the list provided. If other, please specify.

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* 5. In your community, which three (3) areas of law do you believe are most in demand but are not adequately offered? Please select up to three (3) categories. If other, please specify.

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* 6. Of the three areas of law you previously selected, which area of law do you believe is most in demand in your community but is not adequately offered? Please select the top category. If other, please specify.

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* 7. For the purposes of the next few questions:
Legal service providers are defined as lawyers and assistants working under the supervision of lawyers who provide legal services. 
Alternative legal service providers are defined as professionals who are not lawyers who provide legal services within a limited scope, such as limited licence practitioners, notaries public, and paralegals
Non-legal service providers defined as professionals who are not lawyers who provide support(s) to individuals experiencing justice-related problems, such as community service organizations.  

Why do you believe services in the area of law you identified in the previous question are not adequately offered? Select one or more categories, if applicable, from the list provided.

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* 8. What should be done to establish or expand services in the area of law you identified in the previous question?

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* 9. What makes it difficult for individuals to access services and support(s) in the area of law you identified in the previous question? Select one or more categories, if applicable, from the list provided.

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* 10. What should be done to make the area of law previously identified more accessible to individuals who have legal needs in this area? Select one or more categories, if applicable, from the list provided.

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* 11. Is there anything else you would like to share about the areas of law you believe are in demand in your community?

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* 12. In this section, we will ask you questions about the social groups you believe are most in need of legal supports but are not being adequately served, what makes it challenging for these social groups to access the legal supports and areas of law they require, and strategies for improving their access to legal supports and areas of law in the future. 
In your community, what social groups do you believe are most in need of legal support(s) but are not being adequately served? Please select up to three (3) categories. If other, please specify.

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* 13. Of the three social groups you previously selected, what social group do you believe is most in need of legal support(s) but is not being adequately served? Please select the top category. If other, please specify

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* 14. For the purposes of the next few questions…
Legal service providers are defined as lawyers and assistants working under the supervision of lawyers who provide legal services. 
Alternative legal service providers are defined as professionals who are not lawyers who provide legal services within a limited scope, such as limited licence practitioners, notaries public, and paralegals.
Non-legal service providers are defined as professionals who are not lawyers who provide support(s) to individuals experiencing justice-related problems, such as community service organizations. 

Why do you believe legal service providers are not able to adequately offer support(s) to the group you identified in the previous question? Select one or more categories, if applicable, from the list provided.

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* 15. What makes it difficult for the social group identified to access the legal support(s) they require? Select one or more categories, if applicable, from the list provided. If other, please specify.

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* 16. What should be done to make the legal support(s) of the identified social group more accessible? Select one or more categories, if applicable, from the list provided.

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* 17. Which areas of law are the social group you have identified most in need of? Select one or more categories, if applicable, from the list provided. If other, please specify.

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* 18. What should be done to better provide the social group identified the areas of law they need? Select one or more categories, if applicable, from the list provided.

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* 19. Is there anything else you would like to share about the social groups you believe are in need of legal services and support(s) in your community?

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* 20. In this section, we will ask you about the types of justice-related problems your clients most often have and the types of legal supports they typically require to manage those problems.
What types of justice-related problems do your clients most often have? Select one or more categories, if applicable, from the list provided. If other, please specify.

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* 21. What types of legal support(s) do your clients most often need to manage their justice-related problems?

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* 22. In this final section of the survey, we wish to learn more about you to help us better understand who completed the survey.

What type of organization do you work for? Please select only one. If other, please specify.

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* 23. What legal services do you provide? Please select one or more categories, if applicable, from the list provided. If other, please specify.

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* 24. What are the main sources you receive referrals from for legal services? Select one or more categories, if applicable, from the list provided. If other, please specify.

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* 25. What are the main sources you make referrals to in provision of legal services? Select one or more categories, if applicable, from the list provided. If other, please specify.

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* 26. How long have you been providing legal services?

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* 27. What community or communities do you serve?

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* 28. Do you deliver legal services in northern Manitoba?

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* 29. What is your age (in years)?

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* 30. What best describes your gender?

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* 31. Which of the following categories best describes your racial and/or ethnic background? Select one or more categories, if applicable, from the list provided. Please note: These categories are the same categories used by Statistics Canada on the 2021 Census.

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* 32. Please provide any additional comments that you have about legal needs in Manitoba.

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