1. Welcome to Steve's 360 degree feedback survey

Steve Spinella is looking for help in better understanding his weaknesses, challenges, strengths, and opportunities for growth. If you know or have known Steve Spinella in any context, your help in this process is welcomed. You are also welcome to pass this feedback tool on to others who you believe might have valuable input.

This survey is confidential. The information you provide will only be used by Steve Spinella and those he asks for help as a tool to aid him in his journey of growth, repentance, and reflection. You do not need to give your name. You are requested to answer any questions you choose and leave anything you choose blank. Also at any point you can quit the process.

This survey is not about you, but about Steve. You may be asking, “Why use a survey?” Some people might have valuable feedback to offer, but not have an easy way to give it. In addition, since counseling is confidential, it is not possible for Steve to ask for feedback directly from some of the people that might have valuable feedback to offer. It is Steve’s hope that feedback from this survey will include insights and recollections he might not otherwise get that might help him grow or change in positive ways. (If you are interested, this approach is sometimes called “multirater feedback or MRF” or “360 degree assessment”.)

Thanks in advance for any insight or perspective you may offer!