Become a reviewer for the Journal of Digital History

Who is a reviewer?
Do you have experience with Python? Have you used Jupyter Notebook before? But even if you don't know computer science, you can become a reviewer. 

Question Title

* 1. First Name*

Question Title

* 2. Last Name*

Question Title

* 3. Other Website or social network account

Question Title

* 4. Institution*

Question Title

* 5. Title*

Question Title

* 7. ORCID

Question Title

* 8. Email Address*

Question Title

* 9. Email Address, again*

Question Title

* 10. Interests (are you more interested in coding or in narrating)

Question Title

* 11. Your motivation to be a Reviewer

Question Title

* 12. Which of those script languages do you know? (It doesn’t matter if you don’t know any of them)

Question Title

* 13. Did you already use Jupyter Notebook?

Question Title

* 14. Do you want to review the technical aspects of articles?

Question Title

* 15. Privacy Policy and Terms & Conditions of Use*