Are you a woman who's ventured beyond the corporate world to forge your own path? As former executives and leaders, we bring a wealth of business acumen to the realm of entrepreneurship, creating unique avenues for growth and advancement.

For over a decade, I've engaged in conversations with thousands of clients and podcast guests who've orchestrated this successful transition, building businesses they're truly passionate about. They've bid farewell to grueling 80-hour workweeks in favor of a more prosperous and time-enriched lifestyle, even surpassing their previous corporate salaries. I've witnessed a fresh paradigm of business unfold, steered by intelligent and astute women leaders.

Through these interactions, I've discerned patterns and strategies that have significantly contributed to the triumph of these women entrepreneurs, leaving a profound impact on our world. With this survey, my objective is to deepen this exploration.

My mission is to amplify the voices, visions, and visibility of a million women entrepreneurs, propelling them to make a meaningful impact. I firmly believe that women's wisdom is the medicine our earth needs. 

And this is where you come in. Your input about your journey from the corporate world to entrepreneurship is invaluable. I'm eager to learn from your real experiences – what strategies bore fruit, what challenges arose, what you retained from your corporate life, and what you needed to shed.

My aim is to survey a hundred corporate escapees turned entrepreneurs, delving into their unique paths. The insights gathered will be synthesized into a comprehensive report, and I'm thrilled to share these findings with you. Do you resonate with this mission?"

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* 1. How long have you been an entrepreneur after transitioning from a corporate executive role?

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* 2. What was your title or position in the corporate world before becoming an entrepreneur?

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* 3. What is your current age group?

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* 4. What is your desired revenue goal as an entrepreneur?

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* 5. What are your biggest desires and aspirations as an entrepreneur?

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* 6. How do you feel your corporate background has influenced your entrepreneurial journey?

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* 7. What did you have to leave behind from your corporate world, to be successful as an entrepreneur? 

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* 8. What level of investment have you made in your personal and professional growth as an entrepreneur?

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* 9. Over the years, I have gathered a set of success factors that have contributed to the successful development of women entrepreneur businesses. Rank the following success factors on their importance to your entrepreneurial journey (1 being the most important). NOTE: Arrange the list by sliding the items into order using the 4 bars to the left of each item listed below:

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* 10. When it comes to thinking about your business, which of the following statements best reflects where you are today (rate on the scale):

  Strongly Agree Somewhat Agree Neutral Somewhat Disagree Strongly Disagree
I have a clear and focused vision for my business, and I'm actively taking steps to bring it to life.
I'm in the process of refining my business concept and strategy to align with my goals
I have a general idea of where I want my business to go, but I'm seeking more clarity and direction.
I'm facing challenges in defining a strong business model that works for my unique situation.
I'm struggling to find my niche and target audience, hindering my progress.
I'm working on establishing a strong online presence and visibility for my business.
I'm confident in my offerings, but I need to improve my marketing and sales strategies.
I'm focused on creating a scalable business model to achieve the growth I desire.
I'm juggling multiple priorities, and finding the balance between work and personal life is my main concern.

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* 11. What type of support or resources do you feel are lacking in your entrepreneurial journey?

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* 12. Do you currently have a strong community or network that supports your entrepreneurial endeavors?

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* 13. Are you interested in receiving a copy of the final report from this research? 

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* 14. Are you interested in applying for a complimentary #RaiseUP Your Business Strategy Session with Kami? 

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* 15. Would you like to join Kami's mailing list to receive information on her free online teachings to raise up your voice, vision & visibility to grow your business with more time prosperity and wealth prosperity in your business and life?

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* 16. Please enter your contact information