Ensure adequate office space and equipment, including computers, software, cloud storage, and additional devices such as tablets, smartphones, instruments, cameras, etc.
Ensure access to necessary materials and support for remote work and/or ability to refuse remote work for curriculum that requires in-person, hands-on, or equipment specific instruction.
Ensure the right to address unsafe or unhealthy work environments.
Establish clear intellectual property rights over scholarly, artistic, and professional output, as well as syllabi and course materials.
Guarantee work visa sponsorship, improve visa schedules, and strengthen protections and support for international faculty.
Restore eligibility for green card sponsorship, and establish a clear path to permanent residency for international faculty.
Guarantee workplace accommodations and protections for disability, illness, and emergencies.
Establish a procedure to enforce the contract that includes the ability to take grievances to a neutral arbitrator.
Strengthen protections against all forms of discrimination, harassment, and abuse.
Establish the right to refuse teaching assignments outside normal working hours (i.e. in early mornings, evenings, and weekends) or limit the overall number of hours for project based teaching.
Reduce restrictions on non-NYU employment.