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Mentee Application

Thank you for your interest in applying to Mentor Match, NABITA's Mentoring Program. Please fill out the application below to be considered as a mentee for the program. In the role of mentee, you are selecting to be advised by a mentor that has more experience within the behavioral intervention field.
  • Please note that Mentor Match is not intended to be used for consulting services. Mentors are paired with mentees to assist in developing professional skills, obtaining resources and support within their BIT role. Please click here to be directed to NABITA's parent organization, TNG, for consulting services.
  • This application aids in pairing mentors and mentees. Please take your time and respond to the open-ended questions with as much detail as possible.
  • Program selection is based on matches available. You may not be selected for the program, in which case you may apply again for the next cycle of programming.
  • Applications will be accepted until August 30, 2024. Program selections will be made by September 16, 2024. Applications will open again in March of 2025.
  • Please note: Since the mentoring program is for members only, those selected must agree to keep their membership in good standing with NABITA until the end of the program.
Thank you again for your interest in applying to Mentor Match! NABITA will reach out if more information is needed or if you have been selected for the program.

Please note: If you are not selected for this round, we encourage you to apply during the next round of programming.

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* 1. Please enter your contact information.
Note that this will be the primary email that NABITA will use to contact you if we need more information or if you are selected for the program.

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* 2. Are you a current NABITA Member?

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* 3. What is your current job title?

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* 4. How many years have you been in the field of behavioral intervention/threat assessment?

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* 5. What type of institution do you currently work for?

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* 6. If selected for the program, are you willing and able to commit to 6 months of programming?

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* 7. If selected for the program, do you agree to keep your membership active with NABITA until the program ends?

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* 8. If selected for the program, are you willing to complete an initial evaluation survey after one month of programing and at the end of programming?

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* 9. If selected for the program, do you have a means of virtual communication with your mentor, such as Zoom or cell phone?

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* 10. At minimum, it is required to communicate with your mentor at least once every other month throughout the 6-month program. Are you willing to meet this requirement?

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* 11. What style of communication do you prefer? Select all that apply:

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* 12. You may be placed with a group of up to 3 mentees. Your mentor may choose to meet with mentees 1-1 or in a group. Please confirm if you are willing to be placed into a group of up to 3 mentees.

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* 13. List up to two professional goals that you would like to work on with a mentor:

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* 14. Why should you be considered for the Mentor Match program?

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* 15. If selected, what are you hoping to gain from the Mentor Match program?

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* 16. What is something you'd like your potential mentor to know about you to help them get to know you better?

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* 17. Have you applied for NABITA Mentor Match in the past?