Thank you for volunteering to help build a better neighbourhood house. We value your feedback and answers will be kept confidential.

You may choose to answer all questions, some questions, or none at all. Whatever you want to share is helpful for us.

Question Title

* 1. Department

Question Title

* 2. Program/Service

Question Title

* 3. Program Location

Question Title

* 5. Age

Question Title

* 6. Please check the box that describes your satisfaction level. If you don’t know the answer to the question, check ‘N/A’.

  Satisfied Neutral Dissatisfied N/A
1. I received the training and orientation I needed to perform my volunteer position.
2. My supervisor encourages and supports my development.
3. I receive useful and constructive feedback from my supervisor.
4. There is a strong feeling of teamwork and cooperation in this organization.
5. I understand how my volunteer work directly contributes to the overall success of the organization.
6. I have the information and resources I need to do my volunteer work well.
7. The organization has reasonable expectations of me and my volunteer work.
8. I have adequate opportunity for personal growth in this organization.
9. My volunteer work is personally rewarding.
10. My ideas and opinions are recognized.
11. The organization values the contributions I make.