Customer Satisfaction Survey
Listening to customers has always been important to us. Your feedback will help us better serve people like you!
How long have you been a customer of Yoga with Cyndy?
Less than six months
Six months to a year
1 - 2 years
More than 2 years
I am not a customer
Which of the following classes or workshops have you attended from Yoga with Cyndy before? (Please select all that apply.)
Beach Yoga
Curvy Yoga
Yin Yoga with Amy (online)
Absolute Beginners Yoga with Rosalie (online)
Movement & Meditation with Amy (online)
Yoga classes at Positions Dance Studio
Open Level Yoga classes with Cyndy (online)
Overall, how satisfied are you with Yoga with Cyndy?
Extremely satisfied
Very satisfied
Somewhat satisfied
Not so satisfied
Not satisfied at all
How responsive have we been to your questions or concerns?
Extremely responsive
Very responsive
Somewhat responsive
Not so responsive
Not at all responsive
Not applicable
What type of classes do you prefer?
On-demand (i.e., YouTube)
None of the above
What time best works for you to fit in your yoga practice?
Weekday early mornings (6am - 8am)
Weekday mornings (9am - 11am)
Weekday Lunch Hour (12 noon - 2 pm)
Weekday evenings (6pm - 8pm)
Weekend early mornings (6am - 8am)
Weekend mornings (9am -11am)
What type of yoga retreats are you most interested in?
Global destination retreats
Weekend retreats
Day of yoga (4-6 hours)
Other (please specify)
What type of Yoga Workshops are you interested in?
Posture and alignment clinics
Advancing to next level in your practice
Incorporating yoga into your daily life
Other (please specify)