Miles Consulting Group is a state sales tax consulting firm based in Silicon Valley. We work with businesses across a variety of industries and specialize in working with SaaS and technology businesses.

The purpose of our 2023/24 Financial Leaders Survey is to develop and share a major benchmarking report for financial leaders and professionals.

If you would like to receive a copy of the results you can leave us your email at the end. We will not be connecting your email to your results - your entries are confidential. Miles Consulting Group believe in honest, open data and so your response is anonymous. 

Thank you for your participation and support. 

Question Title

* 1. What is your role within your company?

Question Title

* 2. Which best describes the type of company you are?

Question Title

* 3. Has your company experienced growth this year based on previous years?

Question Title

* 4. How are you feeling about the impact of inflation on your business in 2024 compared with 2023?

  Highly concerned Moderately concerned Neither concerned nor unconcerned Not concerned

Question Title

* 5. How concerned or worried are you about the impact the below factors could have on your company in the next 12 months?

  Not at all Slightly Moderately Significantly Extremely
Revenue Growth and Retention
Customer Acquisition Costs
Customer Churn
Hiring Talent
Cash Flow
Operational Efficiency & Cost Management
Cybersecurity Threat
Tax Compliance & Regulatory Matters
Investor Relations
Technology Investments & Development (including AI)
Global Expansion
Sustainability & Social Responsibility

Question Title

* 6. How concerned are you with your company's tax matters going into 2024?

  Not at all  Slightly  Moderately  Significantly  Extremely
Federal Income Tax
State Income Tax
State Sales Tax
Property Tax

Question Title

* 7. How concerned are you about the following state tax matters specifically?

  Not at all  Slightly  Moderately  Significantly  Extremely 
Sales tax return compliance
Economic nexus
Audits from state agencies

Question Title

* 8. How do you currently manage sales tax?

Question Title

* 9. What are your top 3 priorities over the next 12 months from the options below?

  1st Priority  2nd Priority 3rd Priority 
Revenue Growth and Retention
Hiring Talent
Financial Planning & Analysis (FP&A)
Cash Flow Management
Operational Efficiency & Cost Management
Tax Compliance & Regulatory Matters
Risk Management
Investor Relations
Technology Investments & Development (including AI)
Global Expansion
Sustainability & Social Responsibility

Question Title

* 10. What do you predict are the trends for CFOs to watch in 2024? (Check all that apply)

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* 11. How many employees do you have at your company?

Question Title

* 12. What is your company's annual revenue?

Question Title

* 13. Miles Consulting Group is a state sales tax consulting firm. When it comes to sales tax and compliance, what is the one challenge that you would love to overcome in 2024?

Question Title

* 14. Thank you so much for taking the time to share your responses with us. Your participation will go a long way to helping us share valuable data and insights. 

If you are interested in keeping in touch with us or receiving a copy of the final survey results, please select the most appropriate option from the list below and share your email address.

Your responses to this survey are confidential and reported back in the aggregate. Please check all that apply.