Thank you for reading the Center for Health (CFH) quarterly newsletter which encourages and supports growth in the five dimensions of well-being. We are very interested in your feedback about the newsletter. Please take a few minutes to answer our brief survey. Your opinion is important to us!  wheel of life 


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2. Please rate the quality of information in the CFH newsletter:

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3. Please rate the variety of information in the CFH newsletter:

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4. Please rate overall how easy you found the content to read in the CFH newsletter:

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5. How helpful is the newsletter for your understanding of the five dimensions of well-being?

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6. Thinking about the newsletter and bulletins, do you use them and/or distribute them to others?

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7. If you share the newsletter or bulletins, with whom do you typically share? (Please check all that apply.)

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8. Thinking about the newsletter from a format perspective, how easy is it to post on social media or websites?

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9. How likely are you to read future issues of the CFH newsletter?

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10. Overall, how satisfied are you with the newsletter?

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11. Is there a particular dimension of well-being that you would like to see as the newsletter's focus? Check one.

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12. Please share additional comments about the CFH newsletter:

50% of survey complete.