Session Evaluation - CFAS AM 2019 - SYMPOSIUM I

Please fill out the answers for the session Opening Ceremonies/SYMPOSIUM I - which took place from Thursday, Sept. 19, 2019, from 1:30 pm to 4:45  pm, and included lectures:

Keynote: Reproductive Medicine for Endangered Species
Speaker: Thomas Hildebrandt

14:30 – 15:05 Lecture 1: Global Access to Infertility Treatment: Building Reproductive Networks – Experience from Africa
Speaker: Silke Dyer

15:35 – 16:10 Lecture 2: Interdisciplinary Team Optimization, Communication, Personalized Care, Customer Service, and Administration
Speaker: Rob Kiltz

16:10 – 16:45 Lecture 3: Integrating Researchers into a Busy Fertility Centre to Produce Impactful Research
Speaker: Richard Scott
If needed, a link to the program can be found here.
1.Were the intended learning objectives for the lectures met [5 being clearly, effectively met, 1 being not met at all]?
2.The presentations were free from commercial bias, or any other form of inappropriate bias [5 being strongly agree, 1 being strongly disagree].
3.The information provided in the lecture was relevant to my practice [5 being strongly agree, 1 being strongly disagree].
4.Please score the overall delivery of the presentation content and audio visual [5 being exceptional, 1 being unsatisfactory].
5.The speakers communicated clearly [5 being very clear, 1 being incomprehensible].
6.The speakers were knowledgeable regarding their subject [5 being very knowledgeable, 1 being not knowledgeable at all].
7.The lectures promoted interaction (1 being no interaction, 5 being very interactive).
8.What did you learn from this session? Please specify the presenter's name or the talk title when referring to a specific talk.
9.What do you intend to incorporate into your workplace/practice? Please specify the presenter's name or talk title when referring to a specific talk.
10.Overall, how would you rate this session (1 being unsatisfactory, 5 being exceptional)? Please explain.
11.Additional comments:
Please specify the presenter's name or talk title when referring to a specific talk.
Current Progress,
0 of 11 answered