Session Evaluation - CFAS AM 2019 - DEBATE

Please fill out the following information regarding the DEBATE which took place on Saturday, Sept. 21st, from 3:30 pm to 4:30 pm. 

15:30 – 16:30 Debate: Should we use only ‘evidence based’ therapies in our ART practice or should we ever offer the use of ‘unproven’ therapies when requested by patients or as part of our practice? 
Speakers: Dr. Bill Buckett vs. Dr. Clifford Librach

If needed, a link to the program can be found here.
1.Were the intended learning objectives for the debate met [5 being clearly, effectively met, 1 being not met at all]?
2.The presentations were free from commercial bias, or any other form of inappropriate bias [5 being strongly agree, 1 being strongly disagree].
3.The information provided in the debate was relevant to my practice [5 being strongly agree, 1 being strongly disagree].
4.Please score the overall delivery of the presentation content and audio visual [5 being exceptional, 1 being unsatisfactory].
5.The speakers communicated clearly [5 being very clear, 1 being incomprehensible].
6.The speakers were knowledgeable regarding their subject [5 being very knowledgeable, 1 being not knowledgeable at all].
7.The debate promoted interaction (1 being no interaction, 5 being very interactive).
8.What did you learn from this session? Please specify the presenter's name or the talk title when referring to a specific talk.
9.What do you intend to incorporate into your workplace/practice? Please specify the presenter's name or talk title when referring to a specific talk.
10.Overall, how would you rate this session (1 being unsatisfactory, 5 being exceptional)? Please explain.
11.Additional comments:
Please specify the presenter's name when referring to a specific aspect of the debate.
Current Progress,
0 of 11 answered