CFAR Small Grants Program Application Question Title * 1. JHED ID OK Question Title * 2. PI Name OK Question Title * 3. Degrees OK Question Title * 4. Academic title Research Associate Instructor Assistant Professor Associate Professor Other (please specify) OK Question Title * 5. School - Primary Appointment BSPH SOM SON Other (please specify) OK Question Title * 6. Department OK Question Title * 7. e-mail OK Question Title * 8. Financial Administrator's name OK Question Title * 9. Financial Administrator's e-mail OK The JHU CFAR is committed to improving the representation of underrepresented minorities, women, and LGBTQIA faculty within the CFAR as it relates to career development activities, leadership opportunities, and faculty recruitment. In order to evaluate our progress, we appreciate your cooperation in completing the following questions. All responses will be kept confidential and used in the aggregate. OK Question Title * 10. Current Gender Cisgender Male Cisgender Female Non-binary/gender queer, or not exclusively male or female Transgender woman Transgender man Uses a different term Prefer not to say OK Question Title * 11. Sex assigned at birth on original birth certificate Male Female Prefer not to answer OK Question Title * 12. What is your racial background?*Please select all boxes with which you identify. American Indian/Alaska Native Asian Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander Black or African American White Multi-racial Prefer not to Answer Prefer to self-describe OK Question Title * 13. What is your ethnicity? Prefer not to Answer Hispanic or Latino/a/x Not Hispanic or Latino/a/x OK Question Title * 14. Do you have a disability?Defined as those with a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more major life activities, as described in the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, as amended. See NSF data. Yes No OK Question Title * 15. Do you come from a Disadvantaged Background?Individuals from Disadvantaged Backgrounds: if individual meets two or more of the following criteria:1) Were or currently are homeless, as defined by the McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act (Definition);2) Were or currently are in the foster care system, as defined by the Administration for Children and Families (Definition);3) Were eligible for the Federal Free and Reduced Lunch Program for two or more years (Definition);4) Have/had no parents or legal guardians who completed a bachelor’s degree (see);5) Were or currently are eligible for Federal Pell grants (Definition);6) Received support from the Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants and Children (WIC) as a parent or child (Definition).7) Grew up in one of the following areas: a) a U.S. rural area, as designated by the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) Rural Health Grants Eligibility Analyzer, or b) a Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services-designated Low-Income and Health Professional Shortage Areas. Only one of the two possibilities in #7 can be used as a criterion for the disadvantaged background definition. Yes No OK Question Title * 16. Project Title OK Question Title * 17. Mentor/Co-Is Mentor Co-I Co-I OK Question Title * 18. Location of the ProjectInternational Studies will require NIH clearance OK Question Title * 19. Description of Project OK Question Title * 20. Purpose of Requested Support Extend/Expand currently funded research Overcome obstacle to currently funded research Enable data collection for an NIH study currently being revised for re-submission Enable data collection for an unfunded study Manuscript preparation Other (Describe) OK Question Title * 21. If research is currently funded, please list funding entity OK Question Title * 22. If currently funded by NIH, list the grant number OK Question Title * 23. Description of requested support. Describe how this small grant will help you acquire future funding if appropriate. OK Question Title * 24. Does the project involve Human Subjects? Yes No Explain: OK Question Title * 25. Does this study involve vertebrate animals? Yes No OK Question Title * 26. Are you using existing data or specimens? Yes No OK Question Title * 27. If yes, is it de-identified? Yes No N/A OK Question Title * 28. Will you have access to subject identifiers? Yes No N/A OK Question Title * 29. Budget requested OK Question Title * 30. Budget Breakdown: OK Question Title * 31. Please upload a copy of your biosketch in PDF format. PDF file types only. Choose File Choose File No file chosen Remove File Please upload a copy of your biosketch in PDF format. OK DONE