Low Costs Reflective Supervision/Consultation Groups

These low cost Reflective Supervision/ Consultation (RSC) groups are intended for those providing services to birth to three year olds and their families, are actively endorsed, or seeking  Endorsement for Culturally Sensitive, Relationship-focused Practice Promoting Infant Mental Health (I/ECMH-E®)through ORIMHA.

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* 1. Are you a current member of ORIMHA?

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* 3. Please provide your first and last name:

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* 4. Please provide a primary email address to contact for follow up activities.

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* 5. Do you work with birth to three year olds and their families?

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* 6. What counties do work in or serve?

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* 7. Do you supervise others?

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* 8. Do you prefer to participate in a Spanish language reflective supervision/ consultation group?

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* 9. Is $50 a month (for individual) a hardship for you or your organization? (If you mark yes, we will follow up with scholarship and/or payment options)

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* 10. Are you interested in sponsoring a RS/C group specific for your organization?