We appreciate your feedback on the Spring 2017 CESA Members Meeting. Your input will help us to figure out what we got right and what needs improvement. This survey should only take about 5 minutes to complete. Please complete the survey by Friday, June 23.

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* 1. Please enter your contact info below.

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* 2. Overall, the quality of the presentations and discussions in the sessions were of interest to me and/or relevant to my organization.

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* 3. Did you find the reception useful for networking with CESA members and meeting other DC-based individuals?  (you can choose more than one response)

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* 4. What did you find the most useful from the CESA meeting?

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* 5. What did you find the least interesting or useful about the CESA meeting?

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* 6. Are there any activities that we should include in future meetings that would improve this two-day event?

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* 7. Please rate the quality and usefulness of each session.

  Poor Fair Good Excellent N/A
Discussion of Program Successes and the Challenges Clean Energy Programs Face (Tutt, Lawrence, Walz, Leon)
Clean Energy Market Trends: The Big Picture (Zindler)
Market Trends for Key Technologies: Solar, Wind, and Natural Gas (Hensley, Margolis, Petak)
National Energy Policy: The View from Capitol Hill (Hayes)
Federal Policy and Clean Energy: A Panel Discussion (Gramlich, McCormick, Marciano, Terry)
Microgrids as a Resiliency Strategy (Clark, Joseph, Nelson, Prideaux Smith)
State Energy Storage Policies and Program Tools (Comis, Nelson, Prideaux Smith)
Innovation and State Clean Energy Programs
Locational Value of Distributed Energy Resources (Hile)
Solar Policy Trends: Rate Design, Net Metering, and the Value of Solar (Bird, Myers, Umoff)
Discussion: Where Do We Go from Here?

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* 8. Should future meetings include more opportunities to learn about what programs and projects members are working on?

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* 9. Please provide any information or suggestions that you may have regarding CESA meetings or our work going forward.