
The Cape Elizabeth Land Trust requests your feedback on the existing plan for safe and enjoyable public access to the Robinson Woods Preserve.  The Public Access Plan went into effect on May 1, 2015, and we are doing a one-year evaluation.  The goal of CELT’s Public Access Plan is to promote safe and enjoyable access to Robinson Woods Preserve while protecting the natural habitat and wildlife. CELT’s evaluation factors include preservation of sensitive habitat areas, incidents of dog aggression or biting, dogs on leash when required, biking when trails are open, no dogs in the water and absence of pet waste.Here is the statement of Purpose from the Robinson Woods Conservation Easement that CELT is legally required to uphold:

This Conservation Easement is intended to protect the natural, scenic and undeveloped character of the Protected Property, and to promote the conservation of its forests, shoreland and their associated wildlife habitat values. It is also intended to balance the community need for open land available for quiet daytime non-motorized public outdoor recreation, nature observation and study, with restrictions that will ensure that the experience of the public on the Protected Property will continue to be one, increasingly rare, of relatively unstructured quiet contemplation and reverence for the natural world.

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* 1. Please rate how well the Public Access Plan achieves the goals specified in the conservation easement "Purpose" statement above.

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* 2. How often do you visit Robinson Woods Preserve? 

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* 3. What are your favorite activities in the Robinson Woods Preserve? 

  Primarily Occasionally Never
Snow shoing
Ice skating
Enjoyment with children/family
Dog walking
Bird watching
Nature observation
Trail work/property management

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* 4. Since the Public Access Plan was implemented in May 2015, what observations can you make with regard to the following in Robinson Woods Preserve?

  Improved Stayed the same Worsened
Protection of sensitive habitat areas
Erosion around pond, vernal pools, and other water features
Dog waste
Incidents of dog aggression and/or dog biting

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* 5. How often do you observe...

  Always Sometimes Never
dog owners complying with on-leash hours?
visible signs of dog waste?
bicyclists complying with posted trail closures?
bicycles stopping for pedestrians on trail?
compliance with prohibited foraging/harvesting?
commercial dog walking?
dogs in bodies of water? 

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* 6. How do you think CELT can improve awareness of and compliance with the Public Access Plan? Please check all that apply.

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* 7. Considering the ecological importance of Robinson Woods and the many people who want safe, enjoyable access, what would you do to meet the goals of the conservation easement?

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* 8. Please tell us a little bit about yourself.

Thank you so much for completing the survey and helping CELT achieve it’s mission to preserve Cape’s special places!