The Berkshire County Priority Project list inventories regionally significant economic development proposals submitted for consideration by project proponents.

Please note that this is NOT a grant application. The Berkshire Economic Development District, which manages the Berkshire County Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy (CEDS), is requesting this information in order to track the most impactful economic development projects throughout the region. Projects are included in the region's CEDS based on their ability to help diversify, stabilize, and strengthen the region’s economy. Annual review and updates will help maintain and refine the list on an ongoing basis.

This form is for submission of Priority Projects not already listed in the current Berkshire County CEDS. To view the current Berkshire County CEDS, click HERE. Priority Project descriptions begin on page 91.

Submissions sent through this form will be taken into consideration by the CEDS Committee for inclusion in the 2025 UPDATE to the existing CEDS. If you would like to attend an upcoming committee meeting to further explain your project, please indicate below.

Submissions are due no later than March 31, 2025. Please review the questions below and gather the information you'll need to complete this form. It cannot be saved for future editing.

Question Title

* 1. Project Name/Title:

Question Title

* 3. Project Sponsor/Developer/Lead Organization:

Question Title

* 4. Project Contact Person:

Question Title

* 6. Contact Person phone

Question Title

* 8. CEDS Goal(s) Alignment (please check all that apply):

Question Title

* 9. Project Description (Please provide a 1-2 paragraph summary, addressing: What is the overall purpose? Who are the primary beneficiaries? Is this a programmatic or construction-based project?):

Question Title

* 10. Anticipated Project Impact (how will this project positively impact Berkshire County from an economic development perspective?):

Question Title

* 11. Is there a website we should visit to review additional information? If so, please provide the URL here:

Question Title

* 12. If you would like to upload files that will help committee members understand more about your project, please do so here:

PDF, DOC, DOCX file types only.
Choose File

Question Title

* 13. Are you interested in attending an upcoming CEDS Commitee meeting to further explain your project?

Question Title

* 15. Total Estimated Project Cost:

Question Title

* 16. Percentage of Cost Committed:

Question Title

* 17. Funding Partners/Potential Funding Partners (please indicate amounts or percentages, if confirmed):