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Community Engagement Survey #2

Community Engagement is the process of working collaboratively with and through groups of people to address issues affecting the well-being of those people.

Through a generous grant from the St. David’s Foundation, the City of Smithville hired a Community Engagement Coordinator who is working on several strategies to ensure all of our community members feel comfortable in participating in civic life. Our City continues to work on ways to improve its connections with community members and to increase opportunities for engagement with local government departments and activities.

Please let us know how connected you feel with your City

Your individual response will be kept confidential.

Question Title

* What do you like best about how the City of Smithville currently engages the community?

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* What can the City do to improve engagement in the community?

Question Title

* Please indicate how strongly you agree or disagree with the following statements about the City of Smithville.

  Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree
The information provided by the City on pending issues is clear, complete, and understandable.
The City is open about how and why they make decisions.
Communication between myself and the City feels like a two-way conversation.
The City engages with my community.
I feel engaged or connected with the City.
The City makes it easy to engage and participate.

Question Title

* Please indicate how strongly you agree or disagree with the following statements about the Smithville Recreation Center and the Smithville Public Library.

  Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree
Information about the Recreation Center programs and activities are easy to find.
My household regularly goes to the Recreation Center.
Information about the Public Library programs and activities are easy to find.
My household regularly goes to the Public Library.

Question Title

* How do you normally learn about events in the City?
(Select all that apply.)

  City Hall Library Recreation Center
Word of mouth
Utility Bill
Text Messages
Electronic Billboard at HWY 71
Electronic Marquee at the Rec Center
See/Click/Fix *
* The link for See/Click/Fix is available at the end of the survey.

Question Title

* For the next section, focus on how community engagement plays a role in health and wellness.

  Strongly agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly disagree I don't participate.
I feel that participating in programs at the Library and Recreation Center improves my outlook and knowledge about health and wellness.
I feel that participating in programs at the Library and Recreation Center has influenced me to make healthier choices.
I feel that attending events at the Recreation Center or Library has increased my interest in engaging with the City of Smithville.

Question Title

This is Andres "Andy" Esquivel, the City's community engagement coordinator.

This is Andres "Andy" Esquivel, the City's community engagement coordinator.

Question Title

* Have you met the community engagement coordinator?

Question Title

* Any further comments/suggestions?

The following questions are related to grant reporting. Your individual response will remain completely confidential.

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* How long have you lived in the area?

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* What is your racial or ethnic identity? (Select all that apply.)

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* What is your gender?

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* What is your age?

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* What is your approximate household income?

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* Please provide your email information if you wish to continue this conversation.

0 of 15 answered