2018 Grundy County Nonprofit Wish List & Capacity Survey

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* 1. Organization Name

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* 2. Name of specific program within the organization (please fill out a separate survey for each program if appropriate)

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* 3. Program Address

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* 4. Website (program or organization)

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* 5. Program E-mail:

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* 6. Please list your organization/program social networking sites:

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* 7. Is your organization or program a 501c3 charitable organization?

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* 8. Is your organization/program a unit of local government?

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* 9. Can your organization/program receive charitable donations?

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* 10. Does your organization receive state or federal funding?

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* 11. What are three things your program/organization does really well?

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* 12. What three things do you wish your program/organization could do better?

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* 13. What tangible needs does your organization or program have that donors can help provide?

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* 14. If money were no object, what would you wish for your organization and/or clients?

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* 15. Of that wish list, what items are realistic and achievable with the right resources (other than fixing the State problems or winning the lottery)?

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* 16. If donors come for a site visit, what will you show them?

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* 17. What volunteer opportunities do you offer - both on-going and special projects?

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* 18. What services does your organization/program provide?

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* 19. Which population(s) does your organization/program serve? Please select all that apply.

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* 20. How many clients does your program serve in total?

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* 21. How many clients does your program serve in Grundy County?

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* 22. How do clients pay for your services? Please choose all that apply.

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* 23. What is the typical wait time to receive your services?

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* 24. Based on your observations and interactions, which age groups struggle to find services in general? Please choose all that apply.

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* 25. What barriers do clients/residents face that make it difficult to access services and programs in general, not just yours? (check all that apply)

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* 26. Please list any support groups provided by your organization and/or support groups in the community that you are aware of:

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* 27. Does your organization have plans to increase service capacity (additional staff, site, program, etc.) within the next 12 to 18 months?

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* 28. What are the barriers for service capacity expansion? Please choose all that apply.

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* 29. Any last comments we have forgotten to ask that you'd like to share with clients, donors, volunteers, and supporters?

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* 30. Is your organization involved in prevention education or other prevention strategies?

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* 31. If you could change one thing about the system for health & social services in Grundy County, what would it be?