Healthcare Ready's Community Disaster Resilience Tool (CDRT) User Feedback Survey


Before completing this survey, we would love for you to spend time with the CDRT and instructional resources, if you haven’t already, for a more accurate assessment of your opinions.
1.This tool is useful and relevant to my industry.(Required.)
2.Please elaborate.
3.This tool fills a gap in information that previously existed for my industry.(Required.)
4.Please elaborate.
5.I am likely to use this tool in my work.(Required.)
6.Please elaborate.
7.Which tool tab do you consider the most valuable?(Required.)
9.Which tool tab do you consider the least valuable?(Required.)
11.Were there any features that were confusing or difficult to use?(Required.)
12.If you answered yes, what were they and why?
13.Are there additional features that would be helpful to you?(Required.)
14.If you answered yes, what are the proposed additional features and why would they be helpful to you?
15.Is there any other information or functionality you would like to see added to the tool? (Required.)
16.If you answered yes, what other information and why would it be helpful to you?
17.Are there any other comments you would like to provide?
18.Are you willing for Healthcare Ready to potentially use your survey responses for CDRT promotional materials and messaging? This survey is anonymous and no identifiable information will be released. (Required.)
19.Are you likely to share this tool with others?
20.If you answered yes, with whom are you likely to share the tool with?
21.Have you used other Healthcare Ready tools/resources before?
22.If you answered yes, which ones?
23.What do you identify as?
24.Where did you hear about the CDRT?