access and tec rider robyns rocket

1.what is you band /artist name , band members and their pronouns and which instrument they play e.g The band Robyn (she/her) Trumpet , Laura jane (They/Them) singer , Dion smith ( he/him ) keyboards
2.please describe your technical requirements or if it's easier which instruments people will be playing e.g
2 stereo DI's , 2 vocal mics.
we will be bringing 2 keyboards and we need 2 microphones
or a channel list
1 Di from keys L
2 DI from keys R
3 Di from 2nd keyboard L
4 DI from 2 keyboard R
3.Is there anything else you would like the sound engineer to know?
4.Before the gig please... there anything else you need Robyn's Rocket to do
6.What do you need from Robyn's Rocket on the day of the gig? the gig comtimued
8.What are your access needs during soundcheck and performance ?
9.when it's time for my soundcehck to finish or my performance to end , please tell me by .....
For example (waving at me , talking to me ..)
10.any other access needs?