1. Introduction

Welcome to the world’s first-ever durable CDR market outlook survey!
Overview: This CDR Survey assesses current and future durable CDR production and delivery capacity. We define durable CDR as methods with a permanence of 100 years or more. Any forms of emissions reduction, restoration or other forms of CDR with a permanence of less than 100 years are not covered.
Confidentiality: Your individual responses are strictly confidential. Only aggregate views will be shared in our summary and detailed reports.
Results: By completing this survey, you will receive a complimentary copy of the detailed reports, including breakdowns and insights not available in the summary reports. Companies that have not completed either survey or assisted with its distribution can purchase the detailed report for a fee to help cover our costs.
Timeline: This survey will be open until the end of November.  In January 2024, we will publish summary reports with top-level findings from both surveys.
Thank you for sharing your perspectives on durable CDR and contributing to increased knowledge and transparency in the market!
11% of survey complete.