Early Stage Alzheimer’s Disease: Assessment and Staging Post-Webinar Evaluation Question Title * 1. Rate the relationship of content to stated learning objectives: 1 = Totally Ineffective 2 = Somewhat Ineffective 3 = Somewhat Effective 4 = Effective 5 = Highly Effective Understand the difference between normal and pathological memory loss Understand the difference between normal and pathological memory loss 1 = Totally Ineffective Understand the difference between normal and pathological memory loss 2 = Somewhat Ineffective Understand the difference between normal and pathological memory loss 3 = Somewhat Effective Understand the difference between normal and pathological memory loss 4 = Effective Understand the difference between normal and pathological memory loss 5 = Highly Effective Describe the workup and staging of pathological memory loss Describe the workup and staging of pathological memory loss 1 = Totally Ineffective Describe the workup and staging of pathological memory loss 2 = Somewhat Ineffective Describe the workup and staging of pathological memory loss 3 = Somewhat Effective Describe the workup and staging of pathological memory loss 4 = Effective Describe the workup and staging of pathological memory loss 5 = Highly Effective Question Title * 2. Rate the effectiveness of each presenter:John Stoukides, MD, RPh 1 = Totally Ineffective 2 = Somewhat Ineffective 3 = Somewhat Effective 4 = Effective 5 = Highly Effective Presentation Style Presentation Style 1 = Totally Ineffective Presentation Style 2 = Somewhat Ineffective Presentation Style 3 = Somewhat Effective Presentation Style 4 = Effective Presentation Style 5 = Highly Effective Knowledge of Subject Knowledge of Subject 1 = Totally Ineffective Knowledge of Subject 2 = Somewhat Ineffective Knowledge of Subject 3 = Somewhat Effective Knowledge of Subject 4 = Effective Knowledge of Subject 5 = Highly Effective Quality of Material Quality of Material 1 = Totally Ineffective Quality of Material 2 = Somewhat Ineffective Quality of Material 3 = Somewhat Effective Quality of Material 4 = Effective Quality of Material 5 = Highly Effective Practical applicability or relevance of topic Practical applicability or relevance of topic 1 = Totally Ineffective Practical applicability or relevance of topic 2 = Somewhat Ineffective Practical applicability or relevance of topic 3 = Somewhat Effective Practical applicability or relevance of topic 4 = Effective Practical applicability or relevance of topic 5 = Highly Effective Question Title * 3. What are the most significant things you learned in the module? Question Title * 4. In you work with older adults, do you intend to implement at least one practice improvement learned as a result of this workshop? Yes No N/A Comments: Question Title * 5. Do you intend to apply this program to your state certification or annual continuing education requirements? Yes No N/A Next