Tourist Guides: Survey
This survey forms part of the data for research being conducted by the School of Tourism and Hospitality at the University of Johannesburg, on behalf of the Department of Tourism. The overall aim of this study is to investigate transformation within the tourist guiding profession within South Africa. The specific focus of the study will be to examine the potential opportunities, challenges, and barriers to transformation within tourist guiding with an emphasis on previously disadvantaged groups including women and youth. Only persons over 18 years old should complete the survey.
The information that you provide cannot be linked to you. Your identity will be kept anonymous, and confidentiality maintained throughout the study. Your participation is voluntary, and you may opt out at any time without consequence. If you agree to participate, please complete the survey which will take approximately 10 minutes.
The results will be made available to the National Department of Tourism. and will be used for academic purposes with no reference to any individual, business or organisation.
The information that you provide cannot be linked to you. Your identity will be kept anonymous, and confidentiality maintained throughout the study. Your participation is voluntary, and you may opt out at any time without consequence. If you agree to participate, please complete the survey which will take approximately 10 minutes.
The results will be made available to the National Department of Tourism. and will be used for academic purposes with no reference to any individual, business or organisation.
This research has been granted ethical clearance by the UJ Ethics Committee and follows all guidelines for the conduct of ethical research involving human subjects. If you have any concerns about the ethical aspects of the research please call 011 559 1597 or email Prof Tembi Tichaawa is the lead researcher at UJ.