Application Overview (Please review prior to form submission).

This application affirms your organization's interest to engage with DIA as a site host to support the Connected Dallas program.

Connected Dallas is an initiative led by the Dallas Innovation Alliance and will see Digital Ambassadors provide support for up to 10,000 residents over the next two years, with a critical component of community support represented by its ‘Community Anchor Sites’. This program builds on the strong foundation created by the National Digital Inclusion Alliance’s Digital Navigator model.

Prospective Community Anchor Sites will be provided with the following:
  • Equipment to enhance service delivery
  • Digital inclusion training and resources for Community Anchor Site staff
  • A stipend of $2,000 to be distributed monthly
  • WiFi connectivity
  • DIA support
Community Anchor Sites will serve as a hub of digital resources and ensure community members are educated, trained, and connected to all services that require connectivity to improve quality of life, including: devices, internet plans, basic skills and tech support; as well as online safety, education, job training and applications, transportation, tele-health, banking, and basic services.

Anchor Sites Must:
  • Must be an incorporated, tax exempt organization residing in Dallas or its Extra Territorial Jurisdiction.
    • Another organization may apply through a qualified 501(c)(3) organization as long as the 501(c)(3) acts as the fiscal agent and can directly meet all of the other eligibility requirements.
  • Program must align with at least one of the goals, as follows:
    • Increase use of digital and communications technology devices.
    • Increase knowledge and skills of digital and communications technology.
    • Increase access to and usage of the internet.
  • Applicants must have the ability to agree to the standard Connected Dallas (CD) terms and conditions, with no exceptions.
  • Applicants must meet the minimum insurance qualifications.
Sites will be expected to operate as a 'walk in' center, where Digital Ambassadors will host classes, and support referral hand-offs from various channels. They will have accountability via timekeeping and standard data capture, and adhering to DIA policies.
  • Digital Ambassadors will have the same accountability and policy adherence as Community Anchor Sites and its full time employees, including data handling, storage, and privacy, as well as social media policies.
Community Anchor Sites will be responsible for coordinating respective hours of operation; 20- 25 hours a week broken out across 5 - 6 days. Site schedule is to be agreed upon on a site by site basis and will be predicated on fulfilling community needs. DIA does request that dedicated hours for group instruction and special events, be provided by all Commun

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* 1. What is the name of your organization?

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* 2. Who will be DIA's primary contact from your organization? (NOTE: This is the person who will oversee Connected Dallas functions at your facilities).

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* 3. What is the role of your organizational contact? (EXAMPLES: Executive Director, Program Manager, or Program Lead).

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* 4. What is your organizational contact's primary number?

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* 5. What is your organizational contact's primary email address?

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* 6. Is your organization an incorporated, tax exempt organization residing in Dallas or its Extra Territorial Jurisdiction? NOTE: Another organization may apply through a qualified 501(c)(3) organization as long as the 501(c)(3) acts as the fiscal agent and can directly meet all of the other eligibility requirements.

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* 7. Please provide the following organizational tax information:

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* 8. Please attach your IRS determination letter:

PDF, DOC, DOCX, PNG, JPG, JPEG, GIF file types only.

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* 9. In what neighborhood is your organization located? 

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* 10. What is the zip code where your organization is located?

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* 11. What is your organizations’ annual budget?

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* 12. Please enter a brief description of your organization, mission statement and areas of focus: 

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* 13. Why does your organization wish to become a Community Anchor Site under the Connected Dallas initiative? 

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* 14. What are the general demographics of the primary clients served by your organization?

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* 15. What is the profile  of the primary clients served by your organization? (Check all that apply).

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* 16. Please describe your organization's existing programs and frequency provided?

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* 17. Please describe any existing programs focused on Internet and digital access? (If none, please respond 'N/A').

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* 18. How do your clients reach your facility?

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* 19. Does your organization have the minimum dedicated space (800 sqft) to set up a center/lab? 

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* 20. Please provide a layout of your facility, including square footage and proposed location for the Connected Dallas Anchor Site Center:

PDF, DOC, DOCX, PNG, JPG, JPEG, GIF file types only.

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* 21. Please provide a breakdown of your organization's current staff and roles:

PDF, DOC, DOCX, PNG, JPG, JPEG, GIF file types only.

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* 22. How much of your work/services are generally provided by volunteers?

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* 23. Please share an example(s) of existing organizational partnerships? (NOTE: This includes formal and informal partnerships with government agencies, non-profit organizations, citizen groups, and the-like).

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* 24. Does your organization hold the minimum insurance requirements? [insert minimum requirements]

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* 25. Does your organization commit to 20 hours per week to fully staff/operate the Connected Dallas help desk/center at your facilities? 

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* 26. Does your organization agree to provide timely (monthly) reports?

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* 27. Does your organization agree to complete orientation and training?

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* 28. Does your organization agree to adhere to Connected Dallas program policies and procedures?