The City of Condon has partnered with Rural Development Initiatives (RDI) to develop a long-term vision to guide planning and development efforts. The purpose of this is to make sure we, as a community, are moving towards a future we all agree upon and have chosen together.

After an initial survey, interviews, focus group, and a community meeting, a vision statement, values, and community priorities have been identified. The purpose of this final survey is to gather community feedback on these items which will be finalized at the second community meeting which will be held on Tuesday, August 6 from 5:00-8:00 pm at Veteran’s Memorial Hall. (Rescheduled from May.) Food and child care will be provided.

If you would like to stay informed of this project and the next meeting, please leave your e-mail at the end. Responses are anonymous and we will only use contact information to send you updates about the project.

Thank you for being involved in shaping the future of our community for future generations!