This questionnaire seeks to gather information on community development projects in Crawford County, Ohio that may be eligible for Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) and other funding.

If you have any questions about this questionnaire, community development, or CDBG, please contact David Zak at 419.912.1150 (cell) or by email at

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* 1. Applicant: Please enter the name of the local government, non-profit, or organization that is seeking funding.

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* 2. Contact Information: Please enter contact information for this project.

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* 3. Project Name: Please enter the name of the project.

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* 4. Project Description: Provide a detailed description of the project including the following information:
  • Timing
  • Purpose of the project
  • Existing conditions
  • Quantities and measurements of proposed improvements

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* 5. Project Location & Service Area: Describe location and service area. Please also email a copy of a map to identifying the location of the project to be completed and outlining the area/residences that will benefit from the project.

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* 6. Project Expenses & Cost Estimates: Provide a listing of the project expenses or categories and estimated costs. Provide email a copy of quotes or detailed cost estimates to, if available. Please note that estimates included in the County’s CDBG application must include federal prevailing wage.

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* 7. Project Expenses: Please add any additional information or clarification on project expenses here.

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* 8. Project Funding Sources: List funding sources with specific amounts and provide a commitment letter from each funding source, if available. Include amount of CDBG funding requested as well as total project cost.

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* 9. Project Funding: Please add any additional information or comments on project funding here.

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* 10. Real Estate: Will the project require the purchase of easements and/or property? If yes, please explain.