This questionnaire seeks to gather information on community development needs in Crawford County, Ohio in order to define facility and equipment projects that may be eligible for Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) and other funding.

If you have any questions about this questionnaire, community development, or CDBG, please contact David Zak at 419.912.1150 (cell) or by email at

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* 1. Applicant: Please enter the name of the local government, non-profit, or organization that is seeking funding.

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* 2. Contact Information: Please enter contact information for this project.

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* 3. Water Infrastructure: List or identify any water infrastructure that needs replaced, upgraded, or developed. Provide a brief description and estimate of costs.

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* 4. Sewer Infrastructure: List or identify any sewer infrastructure that needs replaced, upgraded, or developed. Provide a brief description and estimate of costs.

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* 5. Roadway Infrastructure: List or identify any streets, bridges, sidewalks or streetscape infrastructure that needs replaced, upgraded, or developed. Provide a brief description and estimate of costs.

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* 6. Other Infrastructure: List or identify any other infrastructure that needs replaced, upgraded, or developed. Provide a brief description and estimate of costs.

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* 7. Safety Services & First Responders: List or identify any fire, police, EMS or other safety/first responder facilities and equipment that needs replaced, upgraded, or developed. Provide a brief description and estimate of costs.

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* 8. Parks & Recreation: List or identify any parks and recreational facilities and equipment that needs replaced, upgraded, or developed. Provide a brief description and estimate of costs.

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* 9. Senior Centers & Facilities: List or identify any senior centers, facilities, and/or equipment that need to be replaced, upgraded, or developed. Provide a brief description and estimate of costs.

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* 10. Community & Arts Centers: List or identify any community and/or arts facilities and equipment that need to be replaced, upgraded, or developed. Provide a brief description and estimate of costs.

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* 11. Parking & Transit: List or identify any parking lots and/or transit facilities and equipment that need to be replaced, upgraded, or developed. Provide a brief description and estimate of costs.

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* 12. Handicapped Accessibility: List or identify any facilities and/or equipment that need to be replaced, upgraded, or developed to increase handicapped accessibility. Provide a brief description and estimate of costs.

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* 13. Social Services (LMI): List or identify any social service facilities and/or equipment that would serve low- to moderate-income individuals that need to be replaced, upgraded, or developed. Provide a brief description and estimate of costs.

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* 14. Education & Workforce Development: List or identify any educational and/or workforce development facilities and/or equipment that need to be replaced, upgraded, or developed. Provide a brief description and estimate of costs.

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* 15. Other: List or identify any other facilities and/or equipment that need to be replaced, upgraded, or developed. Provide a brief description and estimate of costs.