Thank you for your interest in Columbia Center for Urban Agriculture's Market Gardening Apprenticeship Program!

Applications are due by January 1, 2025. We will review applications in January and follow up with each applicant about the next step in the process.

This Apprenticeship program provides in-depth training at Columbia's Agriculture park to develop the skills to manage your own garden/ small scale farm.

From March through October 2025, for 12 hours a week, apprentices will experience a variety of hands on training opportunities, workshops, and field trips to learn about the following topics:

-Greenhouse seedling production
-Regenerative soil health practices
-Cover Cropping
-Crop Management of 20+ vegetables
- Creating a small-farm business plan and sourcing funding for your operation

People who complete their apprenticeship will receive a certificate of completion from Lincoln University.

Participating in the apprenticeship is free. Living stipends are available based on need. Stipends range from $500-$1,000 per month. Stipends will be prioritized for low-income and minority participants.

For more information please visit:

Click here for the 2025 Apprenticeship Syllabus and Schedule

If you have questions please contact Tony Minnick at

This material is based upon work supported by the U.S. Department of Agriculture, under agreement number NR223A750001G009. USDA is an equal opportunity provider, employer, and lender.

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* 1. Please provide your contact Information

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* 2. What is your primary language?

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* 3. Please share your pronouns.
Pronouns are the part of speech used to refer to someone in the third person. We want to know how to respectfully refer to you!

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* 4. Why are you interested in joining the apprenticeship program?

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* 5. How did you hear about CCUA's Apprenticeship Program?

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* 6. How would you like to participate in the apprenticeship program?

Full participation to receive the certificate from Lincoln University involves a commitment of 12 hours per week from March through October 2024. To review what this commitment looks like, please review our syllabus: CCUA 2025 Apprenticeship Syllabus
**only people who are full participants can apply for the stipend

Partial Participation provides flexibility for those would like to learn how to manage their own market garden but cannot commit to the full 12 hours a week from March through October 2024. We will work with you to design your level and type of participation.
**Partial participants do not qualify for the certificate from Lincoln University or the stipend.

This program is funded through the USDA Office for Urban Agriculture and Innovative Production and intends to ensure equitable access to Historically Underserved producers. For additional consideration for program placement and a stipend, please answer the next 4 questions.

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* 7. Are you a new/beginning grower?

You are considered a new/beginning grower if you meet this criteria:
Has not operated a farm or ranch or someone who has operated a farm or ranch for no more than 10 consecutive years

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* 8. Are you a Socially Disadvantaged grower?

You are considered a Socially Disadvantaged grower if you meet this criteria:
A socially disadvantaged group is a group whose members have been subject to racial or ethnic prejudice because of their identity.

According to USDA, here is the list of Socially disadvantaged groups:
American Indian or Alaskan Native
Black or African American
Native Hawaiian and Pacific Islander

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* 9. Are you a Veteran grower?

You are considered a Veteran grower if you meet this criteria:
A Veteran grower is someone who served in the United States Army, Navy, Marine Corps, Air Force, or Coast Guard, including the Reserves and was released from service under conditions other than dishonorable

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* 10. Are you a limited resource grower?

You are considered a limited resource grower if your total annual household income is less than $34,257.

Annual House Hold income is your Adjusted gross income, also known as (AGI), which is your household total income minus deductions, or "adjustments" to income that you are eligible to take.

Gross income includes wages, dividends, capital gains, business and retirement income as well as all other forms income. Examples of income include tips, rents, interest, stock dividends, etc.

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* 11. I am interested in applying for an Apprenticeship stipend.