We are inviting members of the public and our stakeholders to have their say on proposed changes to the way Shropshire Council delivers CCTV monitoring for Shrewsbury

Options for changes to CCTV provision in Shrewsbury are set out below. As part of this Shropshire Council is keen to understand if partner organisations or other providers have suggestions for working differently in future, either taking over the service or working in partnership with Shropshire Council. The options being consulted on are as follows:

Option 1 – This is the Council’s preferred option and would see CCTV coverage in Shrewsbury town centre maintained, with the level of active monitoring altered
Cameras record 24 hours a day, 365 days a year but with no active monitoring. The Police will still be able to request footage to be reviewed and downloaded to aid evidence gathering and prosecutions.

A “best endeavours” approach, would be adopted that would see some level of monitoring by call handlers as time allows. However, out of hours calls for Council services would take priority. Where there are substantial grounds to believe that an individual or the public is in danger, the team could do its best to provide live monitoring, dependent on available resource.

Partner agencies will be asked to contribute towards the cost of maintenance, replacement of cameras and hardware, and room hire. Active monitoring could be funded to cover specific events agreed with Police in Shrewsbury such as higher risk derby football matches.

Option 2 
As Option 1 but enhanced with some volunteer led active monitoring. 

Option 3  
Cease CCTV monitoring and recording altogether. 

Option 4 
As Option 1 with additional resource of 2 FTE staff, to provide some active monitoring. (approximately 75% of the time as rotas allow.) 
This additional resource would require partner funding for the extra active monitoring resource.
Partner agencies will be asked to contribute towards the cost of maintenance, replacement of cameras and hardware, and room hire, and towards the cost of staffing to allow the additional monitoring.

For transparency, Shropshire Council’s current preferred option is Option 1. However, it is important to consult on all possible options and to invite public and partner views before any final decisions can be taken.

Partner organisations are encouraged to contribute responses to the consultation including police and other public sector organisations operating in Shrewsbury and beyond, local businesses, voluntary and community sector services and many others with an interest in community safety.

Thank you for taking the time to provide us with your feedback on these options.