Thank you for completing this short survey, which is six questions long, from the Bridport and West Bay Coastal Community Team (CCT).

Please note that the deadline for completing this survey is Friday 4th December.

Your answers will help the CCT develop an economic plan for the local area. We hope to use the economic plan to access grant funding for projects that will benefit the area.

If you wish to find out more about the CCT you can visit our web page here

You may also have heard about a neighbourhood plan being developed in the area. This should not be confused with the CCT or its economic plan, though there will be links between them.

Your survey answers will be un-attributable and will only be used to create information for the CCT.

Question Title

* 1. Thinking about the economy of the local area, how much of a problem do you consider the following to be? Please tick one box beside each issue.

  A major problem A smaller problem Not a problem Don't know
Traffic congestion
Poor public transport
Too few car park spaces
The cost of car parking
Few local job opportunities
Low wage levels
Lack of business premises or sites
High house prices (to buy or rent)
Loss of young people
Workforce skills shortages
Poor signage for drivers/pedestrians
Slow broadband
Poor mobile phone connections
Poverty or deprivation

Question Title

* 2. If you think there are other problems affecting the local economy, please write them in this box.

Question Title

* 3.

Thinking about the local area, how much of a strength benefiting the economy do you consider the following to be? Please tick one box beside each issue.

  A major strength A smaller strength Not a strength Don't know
Range of shops
Bridport’s market
Cafe’s, restaurants and bars
Events and festivals
Arts and leisure facilities
Extent of voluntary activity
Amount of visitor accommodation
Quality of visitor accommodation
Business networks
Advice on offer to businesses
Workforce skills or experience
Nearby visitor attractions
Attractive natural environment
Attractive built environment

Question Title

* 4. If you think there are other strengths benefiting the local economy, please write them in this box.

Question Title

* 5. If you have a suggestion for an action or project to tackle local economic concerns or make the most of local economic strengths, please describe it briefly in this box.

Question Title

* 6. Which of the following best describes you or your organisation? Tick only one box.

Thank you. Please click 'Done' to complete the survey.