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2025 Bargaining Survey (Please use your web browser to access this survey in your preferred language.)
To take this survey, you MUST be 1 of the following. Please make your selection below. Following this question, you will need to enter a VALID CURRENT license number that you are connected with. We WILL be validating responses and invalid license numbers will result in your responses being deleted. Please identify your child care demographic.
RF owner/provider
CF owner (not provider)
CF owner/provider
CF owner multiple sites
CF license holder/provider but not the owner
CF Staff
I am a member of the public -- I am NOT a child care provider in Oregon
I am an exempt child care provider
I am a child care provider in another state
I am connected with child care license number (from your CCLD license):
I am _____________(check all that apply)
Dues paying member of Oregon AFSCME Child Care Providers Together
Listed provider with DHS/DPU
I am not a member but I want to be. I will leave my contact info at the end of the survey.
None of the above
I currently have enrolled in my child care program ___________ families on ERDC/JOBS (pick the BEST answer)
I am NOT listed and do not accept ERDC clients
None -- but I DO accept ERDC clients
0-4 children of
5-10 children of
More than 10 children of
All of the children in care are ERDC-eligible
My program is financially struggling because of the ERDC Waitlist.
My child care has _____ # of slots unfilled because of the Waitlist or other factors outside of my control.
Providers should be paid a SPARK bonus for EVERY child in their program (pro-rated for FT and PT and regardless of ERDC eligibility)
All FCC programs and all children should have access to special education funding regardless of ERDC eligibility.
If FCC providers can have 1 of the following, I would choose: (choose only 1)
Paid or Reimbursed Health Insurance Premiums for all FCC Providers who do not already qualify for Medicare or OHP.
Scholarships for college, trainings, accreditation, cohorts and conferences.
Stipend from the State for a retirement fund.
One statewide subsidy rate for all children (The State would pay the same rate to all providers in all rate zones for the care of a child. This would not affect the 4 categories -- infants, toddlers, preschool and school aged those categories would still apply.)
Choose all that are True for you.
If I need a substitute for myself, I am always able to find one when I need one.
If I need a substitute for a staff person, I am always able to find one when I need one.
I can never find a substitute.
I never need a volunteer.
If I had to give up a rate increase to get the Waitlist lifted, I would do it (if that was the ONLY way).
My program needs a grant like we had for COVID Pandemic to offset my losses caused by the State's inability to fund child care infrastructure.
If I could choose only one, I would pick:
Across the state rate increases for ERDC
Enrollment based pay (DPU pays at the beginning of the month, no matter attendance DPU pays for the FULL AUTHORIZATION -- so if authorized for 80 hrs, pays 80 hrs and if authorized for 215 hours pays 215 hrs.)
Check all that apply:
I do care for I/T (Infant and Toddler)
I do care for School Age
I do care on nights (after 6 pm and before 7 am)
I do weekend care (Friday nights, Saturdays and Sundays)
I do not do any of these
I believe 3 year olds should be paid at the same rate as 2 year olds.
Oregon AFSCME needs to fix the Oregon Law §183 -- get ODHS added (in addition to DELC) so my union rep can represent me in OTIS hearings! I shouldn't have to carry that founded with me for life! I shouldn't have to give up my rights to fight that finding ONLY because I couldn't afford to hire an attorney!
I really need funding for health insurance (over any other economic gain in this contract)! CCPT prioritize health insurance funding!
I am leaving my name and BEST phone number so that you can contact me for more info or to share my story with the bargaining team.
Anything you would like to share that you feel was left out of this survey?
Current Progress,
0 of 19 answered