Abstract Submission

The 2019 Curating the Clinical Genome Program Committee will select abstracts for either oral or poster presentation and designate them to the appropriate session based on their topic area. Submitters will be notified of acceptance, and the format (Oral Platform or Poster) by the end of March 2019.

You are allotted 2,500 characters (including spaces) for your abstract. Title, authors and affiliations do not count towards the character limit. Abstracts must be submitted in English only. The material for presentation should be unpublished and original.

Please note that by submitting an abstract, the first author or designee agrees to attend the meeting and present the poster or take part in the oral platform presentations.

Abstract Deadline: March 1, 2019

Once submitted, you will be sent to a thank you screen. 

Please contact clingen@clinicalgenome.org with any questions.

Question Title

* Submitting Author Name

Question Title

* Submitting Author Email Address

Question Title

* Please upload your abstract here. The document should include Title, Authors and Affiliations and the abstract itself. 

PDF, DOCX, DOC file types only.
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Question Title

* A limited number of travel stipends are available for outstanding submissions from trainees. Please indicate if you are a trainee and would like to be considered for a travel stipend.