COFI Center for Action and Learning
Partner Interest Form
COFI is launching a new
Center for Action and Learning
that will expand our training capacity, strengthen our support for groups that are implementing our model, and build a learning table to bring organizations across the country together for shared learning, cross-fertilization, and capacity building.
If you're interested in participating or getting more information, let us know by completing this brief form.
Your name:
Your organization:
Your email:
What aspects of COFI's
Center for Action and Learning
are you interested in? (Check all that apply.)
Attending COFI's national training institute to learn about
The COFI Way
model (virtual or in Chicago).
Hosting a customized training in COFI's model for our organization (virtual or on-site).
Receiving coaching or technical assistance to support our organization's implementation of COFI's model.
Attending national gatherings of organizations using COFI's model (virtual or in person).
Participating in ongoing virtual networking opportunities with organizations across the country using COFI's model.
Participating in webinars and peer trainings for organizations to share ideas and strategies with one another.
Having access to a web-based resource center with information to support replication of successful issue campaigns and organizing strategies.
Participating in a learning table with other organizations using COFI's model, with opportunities to build capacity across member groups to strengthen implementation of the model.
I'm not sure, but please keep me informed about the opportunities.
Anything else you'd like to share?