Thank you for taking the time to participate in this survey!

Your experience and ideas are important to us and can help our team advocate for changes that will lead to better outcomes for people living with IBD across Australia.

This survey is being run by Crohn’s & Colitis Australia (CCA) to support the development of Australia's first-ever Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD) State of the Nation research report.

This survey is seeking to understand:
  • Patient and carer experience in the health system
  • The costs of IBD
  • The impact of IBD on your life
  • Your views on policy priorities.
The survey will take around 20-25 minutes to complete, depending on your experience. We know this is a bit longer than the average survey, but it will give us the critical information we need to make the case for change.

This survey asks for information about the out-of-pocket costs to you of your treatment and care over the past six months, including out-of-pocket costs of tests, medication and services. You may like to review receipts you have received in advance of starting the survey.

If you would like any help to understand any of the questions, please feel free to call our team at CCA on 1800 138 029. Our team are here to support you in any way you need.

All of your responses will be anonymous. You can choose not to answer any question, and you can stop the survey at any point. This is really a chance to share the information you think is important to help make change for the better but you aren't under any obligation to participate or share things you'd rather not.

We really appreciate your time and help in filling this out. It will help our team make a difference for Australians impacted by IBD.

Let's get started! Just click 'Next' to begin the survey.
2% of survey complete.