Learning Module: Fostering Advocacy for Students with LDs Question Title * 1. What is your role? Director/Supervisory Officer Administrator Teacher/Early Childhood Educator Parent Student Other (please specify) Question Title * 2. Please identify the school board with which you are associated. Question Title * 3. The students that I work with are primarily: Elementary Secondary Both Other (please specify) Question Title * 4. Overall, how satisfied were you with the learning module? Very satisfied Satisfied Somewhat satisfied Dissatisfied Very dissatisfied Question Title * 5. Why did you participate in this learning module? Professional learning activity Part of group professional development Recommendation from a colleague or supervisor Further understanding of the topic Other (please specify) Question Title * 6. Where did you hear about this learning module? LD@school website Twitter Subscriber emails Recommendation from a supervisor or colleague Other (please specify) Question Title * 7. Was the module easy to follow? Very easy Somewhat easy Somewhat difficult Very difficult Question Title * 8. How long did it take you to complete the learning module? Question Title * 9. The length of the module was: Too short Too long Just right Question Title * 10. Did the learning module allow you to expand your knowledge of the topic? Yes Somewhat No Question Title * 11. Was the module well structured, clear and easy to understand? Yes Somewhat No Question Title * 12. Did the learning module cover content that will be useful in your line of work? Yes Somewhat No Question Title * 13. Did you find the Pre-learning Self-assessment useful? Yes Somewhat No Question Title * 14. Did you find the Post-learning Self-assessment useful? Yes Somewhat No Question Title * 15. How satisfied are you with the variety of media used included in the content? Very satisfied Satisfied Somewhat satisfied Dissatisfied Very dissatisfied Question Title * 16. How likely are you to recommend the LD@school learning modules to your friends and colleagues? Very likely Somewhat likely Not very likely I will not recommend this module Question Title * 17. What did you like most about this module? Question Title * 18. In what way(s) could this module be improved? Question Title * 19. Do you have any other comments, suggestions, or feedback that will help us make improvements to future learning modules? Done