1. Nominee's details

Nominations must be proposed and seconded. The proposer can be a member of the nominee’s organisation, but the seconder must be from outside of the nominee’s organisation.

Please complete & submit no later than 5pm Monday 16 September 2024
Ensure you have:
- permission of the nominee and seconder
- nominee's bio and photo
If you have any problems completing the form, contact Max on 03 743 0186 or maxinem@cecc.org.nz. You will receive confirmation of your submission.
N.B. Nominees must be a paid-up financial member of Business Canterbury at the time of submitting the nomination and throughout the tenure of the Board appointment.

Question Title

* 1. Nominee's full name (Nominee's organisation must be a current Business Canterbury member)

Question Title

* 2. Nominee's Position

Question Title

* 3. Name of nominee's organisation

Question Title

* 4. Nominee's email address

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* 5. Nominee's mobile number

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* 6. Nominee's landline number (if applicable)

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* 7. Nominee's organisation website

Question Title

* 8. Industry of nominee's business