How are you doing in your household?

1.Have your spending habits changed in the past year?
2.Has inflation impacted your lifestyle in the past 24 months?
3.Have you experienced higher mortgage payments for over a year?
4.If your mortgage payments have increased, has this cut into your discretionary spending?
5.Do you find yourself saying 'no' to family holidays or other optional activities these days?
6.Did your income increase in the past 24 months?
7.Do you actively track your spending or maintain a budget?
8.Planning any major financial moves in the next year, like buying or selling property, a business, or making a hefty investment?
9.Are you considering moving overseas in the next two years?
10.Feeling optimistic about the new government making NZ a better place, even just a smidge?
11.Do you think inflation will drop below 3% in the next year? What about in two years?
12.Expecting interest rates to fall anytime soon?
13.Would you consider yourself generally optimistic?
14.How optimistic are you feeling right now?
15.Can you tell me your gender?
16.Can you tell me your age?
17.Can you tell me your (gross / taxable) combined household income?
Current Progress,
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