NOTE: This is a “mock” test based on some of the references given in the NMC Blue Print. The test covers 4 Domains and 1 field specific competency relating to your specialism – in this case ‘Adult Nursing’. The questions provided is only a guide, individuals should review the all study material and modules provided in MMA Recruitment CBT guide.

Question Title

* 1. What serious condition is a possibility for patients positioned in the Lloyd Davies position during surgery?

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* 2. You have been asked to give Mrs Patel her mid day oral metronidazole. You have never met her before. What do you need to check on the drug chart before you administerit?

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* 3. Accurate postoperative observations are key to assessing a patient's deterioration or recovery. The Modified Early Warning Score (MEWS) is a scoring system that supports that aim. What is the primary purpose of MEWS?

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* 4. Why is it important that patients are effectively fasted prior to surgery?

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* 5. What are the principles of gaining informed consent prior to planned surgery?

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* 6. On checking the stock balance in the controlled drug record book as a newly qualified nurse, you and a colleague notice a discrepancy. What would you do?

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* 7. A patient in your care is on regular oral morphine sulphate. As a qualified nurse, what legal checks do youneed to carry out every time you administer it, which are in addition to those you would check for every other drug you administer?

Question Title

* 8. As a newly qualified nurse, what would you do if a patient vomits when taking or immediately after taking tablets?

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* 9. Why would the intravenous route be used for the administration of medications?

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* 10. What are the key reasons for administering medications to patients?

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* 11. What are the most common types of medication error?

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* 12. A patient has collapsed with an anaphylactic reaction. What symptoms would you expect to see?

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* 13. What arethe potential benefits of self-administration of medicines by patients?

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* 14. What is the most accurate method of calculating a respiratory rate?

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* 15. You are caring for a 17 year old woman who has been admitted with acute exacerbation of asthma. Her peak flow readings are deteriorating and she is becoming wheezy. What would you do?

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* 16. Why is it important to manually assess pulse rate?

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* 17. What are the professional responsibilities of the qualified nurse in medicines management?

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* 18. When would an orthostatic blood pressure measurement be indicated?

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* 19. What do the adverse effects of hypotension include?

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* 20. What are the contraindications for the use of the blood glucose meter for blood glucose monitoring?

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* 21. You are caring for a patient who has had a recent head injury and you have been asked to carry out neurological observations every 15 minutes. You assess and find that his pupils are unequal and one is not reactive to light. You are no longer able to rouse him. What are your actions?

Question Title

* 22. A patient in your care is about to go for a liver biopsy. What are the most likely potential complications related to this procedure?

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* 23. When should adult patients in acute hospital settings have observations taken?

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* 24. Whyare physiological scoring systems or early warning scoring systems used in clinical practice?

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* 25. A patient on your ward complains that her heart is ‘racing’ and you find that the pulse is too fast to manually palpate. What would your actions be?

Question Title

* 26. If a patient feels a cramping sensation in their abdomen after a colonoscopy, it is advisable that they should do/have which of the following?

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* 27. How do you ensure the correct blood to culture ratio when obtaining a blood culture specimen from an adult patient?

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* 28. If blood is being taken for other tests, and a patient requires collection of blood cultures, which should come first to reduce the risk of contamination?

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* 29. Which of the following would indicate an infection?

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* 30. Which of the following techniques is advisable when obtaining a urine specimen in order to minimize the contamination of a specimen?

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* 31. If a patient is experiencing dysphagia, which of the following investigations are they likely to have?

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* 32. Which of the following can a patient not have if they have a pacemaker in situ?

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* 33. In a fully saturated haemoglobin molecule, responsible for carrying oxygen to the body's tissues, how many of its haem sites are bound with oxygen?

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* 34. Which of the following is NOT a cause of Type 1 (hypoxaemic) respiratory failure?

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* 35. Prior to sending a patient home on oxygen, healthcare providers must ensure the patient and family understand the dangers of smoking in an oxygen-rich environment. Why is this necessary?

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* 36. What action would you take if a specimen had a biohazard sticker on it?

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* 37. What isthe best way to avoid a haematoma forming when undertaking venepuncture?

Question Title

* 38. You are caring for a patient with a history of COAD who is requiring 70% humidified oxygen via a facemask. You are monitoring his response to therapy by observing his colour, degree of respiratory distress and respiratory rate. The patient's oxygen saturations have been between 95% and 98%. In addition, the doctor has been taking arterial blood gases. What is the reason for this?

Question Title

* 39. When using nasal cannulae, the maximum oxygen flow rate that should be used is 6 litres/min. Why?

Question Title

* 40. You are currently on placement in the emergency department (ED). A 55 year old city worker is bluelighted into the ED having had a cardiorespiratory arrest at work. The paramedics have been resuscitating him for 3 minutes. On arrival, he is in ventricular fibrillation. Your mentor asks you the following question prior to your shift starting: What will be the most important part of the patient's immediate advanced life support?

Question Title

* 41. Why is it essential to humidify oxygen used during respiratory therapy?

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* 42. Which of the following is NOT a symptom of impacted earwax?

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* 43. After death, who can legally give permission for a patient's body to be donated to medical science?

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* 44. What should be included in your initial assessment of your patient's respiratory status?

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* 45. What should be included in a prescription for oxygen therapy?

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* 46. You are caring for a patient with a tracheostomy in situwho requires frequent suctioning. How long should you suction for?

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* 47. What does the term ‘breakthrough pain’ mean, and what type of prescription would you expect for it?

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* 48. A patient has just returned from theatre following surgery on their left arm. They have a PCA infusion connected and from the admission, you remember that they have poor dexterity with their right hand. They are currently pain free. What actions would you take?

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* 49. In which of the following situations might nitrous oxide (Entonox) be considered?

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* 50. What are the key nursing observations needed for a patient receiving opioids frequently?

Question Title

* 51. We are always striving to improve our service and support to overseas nurses. Any feedback or suggestions that you might have can be made in the comment box below. If you are not registered with MMA Healthcare Recruitment and would like to receive a copy of our free CBT study guide, please provide your name and e-mail address.

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